Terms and Conditions

Ignorance of my Terms and Conditions is not an excuse if you break any of them. If you break my terms and conditions in any way because you chose not to read them, that is not my fault and I will choose to withdraw your permission to use the image.

That being said, if you do break any of them, I will most likely ask you politely to fix the issue. Only if you proceed to ignore me and not fix the issue will I take action.


I have the right to decline any commission without providing reason as to why.

Work in Progress images will not be provided unless asked for.

I will provide the finished commission through PM, and will be more than happy to provide a high-quality version through email if asked to.

The final commission can not be requested to be changed unless there is a mistake on my part. This means, if you forget to mention a specific pose, background, detail, etc in the original commission negotiation, then I will not fix it unless paid extra to do so. I will fix character design issues that were mistakes on my part, for example if I forget to include certain markings or accessories.

The drawing of the commission will not begin until it has been paid for.

You have the right to request to have a commission slot held, but if I have not received payment or further information in 14 days (or an otherwise agreed upon time frame) then the slot will be removed.


I have the right to the final artwork, not the commissioner. This means I'm allowed to use the artwork to promote myself, to post anywhere, and to publish anywhere.

You have the right to use the completed piece for personal use. This can include, but is not limited to, printing for yourself, using in any OC galleries, using as profile picture, etc.

If you use the commission in any way online, you must link back to my account.
Amino: If used on Amino in any way, you must link back to my Amino account. If used as profile picture, the link must be at the TOP of your bio.
Instagram: If you use the artwork on Instagram, you must TAG AND mention my Instagram account in the caption.
Other online platforms: You must LINK back to my Instagram account

My watermark or signature may not be cropped out unless I give permission for you to do so (e.g. some profile picture formats will crop watermarks.)

You may not resell or profit off the image in any way, the only exception being if you sell the OC and therefore pass along all the art that goes with it. I must be notified if this happens, and you cannot sell the ARTWORK for a higher price than you paid for it.
(This means if your OC only has my artwork attached to it and nothing else, you cannot sell for a higher price than what you paid the for the artwork. Obviously, if you have artworks belonging to multiple artists then you can resell the OC for a higher price.)

If you do not follow any of my usage rights, or refuse to cooperate when I remind you of the rights, I have a right to withdraw permission for you to use the piece.


I have the rights to cancel your commission at any time, and I will be required to pay a full refund if I do so.

I have the right to cancel the commission due to poor communication or rudeness of commissioner.

After you have paid, you do not have the right to cancel the commission. If you have not yet paid, you may cancel at any time.

( Made with Carrd )